In Honor of Past PCA Presidents

Mrs. James E. Clark (1929-2006)


Dog people and sports enthusiasts throughout the world knew her first as Anne Hone Rogers and later as Mrs. James Edward Clark. But to Poodle people, the single word “Annie” was all you needed to hear. Everybody knew who you meant. Many called her Annie, and a few addressed her as Mrs. Clark out of respect.

Annie died peacefully this morning, December 20, 2006.

She had endured a long battle with cancer and late last week chose not to continue the fight. She died at the home of a special friend, Betsy Lebet, and in  the company of lifelong friends who were dear to her.

The Poodle world – and dog world in general – mourns her passing.

Her life-long association with dogs began as a child. Her mother was a noted dog authority, and their early involvement was at a time when purebred dog activities – and Poodle activities in particular – were just beginning. Annie had more than a nodding acquaintance with many of the people who founded the Poodle Club of America.

Her East Coast location served her well, as that was the center of dog breeding and showing at that time. Many of those early Poodle breeders were her competitors when she and her mother were showing their Poodles. And her mother’s interests in several breeds likely led Annie toward her own involvement and interest in dogs of many breeds, although her long-term love was Poodles.

And so she was able to observe and learn from not only of Poodle breeders but of handlers and breeders of many breeds. Henry Stoecker, Howard Tyler, and Ruth Sayers had strong ties to Poodles. Many others working with other breeds and groups were also her mentors. And she always cited William Kendrick, Percy Roberts and, of course, the dean of them all, Alva Rosenberg, as dog people of great stature who became respected dog judges.

Their influence on her – as well as the influence of friends and colleagues such as Bob and Jane Forsyth – was immeasurable.

Those who came to the sport – and to Poodles in particular – saw her as a legend – whether she saw it that way or not. Her years of involvement ranged from the early years, the 1940s and 50s, to 2006. She was a breeder, a handler, a judge, an author, a teacher, and in a dozen other ways contributed to the well-being and improvement of Poodles, of several breeds, of dog clubs and associations, and in fact of nearly everything influencing the sport of dogs.

She was all that. But she was also a person who would help a young girl learn to put an English saddle trim on a pet-quality dog.who would stop in an open area on her way to the ring where she was judging to help a young girl work on ring training her Doberman.who would keep a young man lying on his belly in the gravel of her driveway while she moved a Miniature Poodle and yelled, “Watch him move and think about what you see! If you can’t see it, you can’t fix it!”

Annie reserved to herself judging juniors at the Poodle Club of America specialty each June and delighted in that assignment at the Garden. Her influence on young handlers – in learning respect for the sport, their dogs, and themselves – cannot be easily measured. Without her stewardship and ultimate authority, the sport as we know it would not be the same.

It is impossible to acknowledge all of her contributions and all of the dimensions of her personality and character that made her so special. She was a great character. Quick with a remark, often a joke directed at herself, she at the same time suffered no fools.

And now she is gone.

Those who know her are confident that when she arrives in Heaven, she’ll give her Jimbo a quick kiss on the cheek. Then she’ll turn quickly to Festoon to see how she really compares with Spice Girl. Then it will be Dancer, Horse, Lofty, and Ruffian, and the others in turn. Mousie will get a quick check. If ears and teeth are in good shape, and if the runs seem properly cleaned, all will be well.

But if there are issues on any of those fronts, stand by. Higher authorities will be called in, and new protocols will be soon put in place. “Those are just the basics of good dog care,” she’ll explain. If Ruth Sayers joins her in that effort, “Thy will be done” will forever mean that Annie and Ruth got their way.

The Poodle Club of America will miss her.

Mrs. Doris Cozart, President, PCA (2004-2008) and Mr. Del Dahl, Publicity Chairman, (2006-2009)

Doris Cozart

doris cozart

As we all get older in life, we know that we’re going to be losing people that are important to us in our lives. Doris Cozart was one of those people that was always there. If you were her friend, she was there for you forever. She cared about her family and her friends deeply.

The Sport of dogs was a huge part of Doris’s life since the mid sixties. She showed Toy Poodles under the Cotian prefix successfully for many years. Her most known toy was campaigned successfully by her daughter Debbie who guided CH. Cotian Country Style to many top wins. It was Debbie’s love of the sport  that brought her into standard Poodles  also under the Cotian prefix.

In 1990, Doris  began her role as an AKC licensed judge. Her first breed was Poodles it was followed by The Working Group, the Toy Group, the Non Sporting Group, Juniors, Miscellaneous, a few Terrier breeds and Best in Show.  She loved traveling.  She was very popular judging both domestically and internationally. Doris judged at the Poodle Club of America National Specialty many times, which was always one of her favorites to judge. She also judged The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show several times.  It was an honor to be invited to judge at these shows.

Doris was a member of The Poodle Club of America for many years.  She served as President, was on the Board numerous time as well as on various committees. In addition to The Poodle Club of America she was also a member of the Texas Kennel Club and a past member of the Poodle Club of Massachusetts as well as a past member of The Quinnipiac Poodle Club and Hampton Roads Poodle Club.

Beyond the world of dogs Doris was a private person.  She loved her family and spent as much time as she could with them. When she first was married she and her Husband Gene lived in England while he was in the Air Force.  It was there that she developed her love for Poodles and showing.

Doris leaves behind her Grandson Trevor Bloking, and his wife Hannah and their children. She also leaves her son in law Bill (William) Bloking. She was predeceased by her husband Gene Cozart, her daughter Debbie Cozart Bloking., her son , Michael Cozart and his wife and daughter .

Doris touched so many people over the years.  All those who knew her felt they were blessed to have her in their lives. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this time and her memory will remain in their hearts forever .

Leslie Newing, Poodle Club of America 

Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland (1930-2008)


There is one less champion for Poodles today. Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland died on January 23. She was with her son and daughter. Jacky fought a long battle with cancer. She was very private about her illness and we all respected her silence about this.

Jacky had a large impact on the breed and the sport of dogs. Her accomplishments were many. Jacky was the first woman on the Board of Directors of the AKC. She was a trailblazer in many ways. She was one of the founders of the Dog Fanciers Association. Her help was instrumental in getting our performance events acknowledged by AKC. Her deRussy kennel name is still recognized today.

She had many top winning and top producing Standards. Jacky was the author of several breed books. She was a breed and obedience judge. She had served as a board member and President of PCA. Jacky this past fall was very disappointed that she was not able to judge at the PCA Regional in California. I am sure she is with Annie and organizing a Poodle Show. She will not be with us at PCA but we will remember her.

Mrs. Doris Cozart, President, PCA (2004-2008)

Dennis McCoy

In Memory of Dennis McCoy
“ Randenn “

No matter if we know a person is having health issues or not we are never prepared for the call that comes telling you that they have passed away. Saturday that call came about Dennis. I had just spoken to him when he was in Florida judging and then heard he was not well after he got home. No matter how hard we all prayed he would fully recover our prayers went unanswered.

Dennis could shoot you down with his smile or raise you up with his laugh and sense of humor. Over the years he achieved more than most in this sport.

Some of my favorite memories of Dennis were watching him wearing his pink socks to guide, Ch. Whisperwind On A Carousel in 1991 to Best in Show at Westminster.  Dennis and Randy Garren, his partner had an amazing show record of over 500 Best in Shows during their careers, plus other numerous wins and achievements. His passion for the sport and especially Poodles was unending.

After his retirement from handling, Dennis was licensed to judge all Toys, Non Sporting, Terriers and Best in Show.  He judged both out in and out of the USA. He judged The Poodle Club of America National, several times, which is always an honor as it is voted on by your Parent club.

After their retirement, Dennis and Randy bred some lovely standards under the Randenn prefix. Dennis also loved his Koi pond and took pride in their home and surroundings. The Koi pond was one thing he said “ he would miss most when they moved from their home with the kennel. “

Dennis went on to be active on the Board of The Poodle Club of America and served three, two-year terms as President. He began his term as the AKC delegate for The Poodle Club of America last April 2022.

Sadly this year his extra tall directors chair that we all could see him sitting in across the arena will be empty. Dennis made his mark in this sport over the many years. Everyone that knew him will cherish their special memories of him and he will be missed greatly. Whether you agreed or agreed to disagree with him on various subjects, Dennis, had a huge heart for what he did.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time and especially Randy Garren.

Leslie Newing, Poodle Club of America 

Dr. Samuel M. Peacock Jr., MD

Dr. Samuel M. Peacock Jr., MD

Dr. Samuel Peacock served the Poodle Club of America for innumerable years and in innumerable positions of trust and responsibility.  His offices were many.  He served as PCA’s Delegate to the American Kennel Club and held the offices of President, Vice President and Show Chair, in addition to serving on numerous committees.  He was a valuable PCA member for over 50 years.

Sam graduated from the Medical College of Pennsylvania and from Hahneman University in Philadelphia, specializing in Neurology.  Additional study and research took him to the American College of Surgeons in New Orleans.

I have learned that Dr. Peacock’s interest in the Standard Poodle began in the early 50’s.  He was a charter member of the Creole Poodle Club in 1951.

Sam’s mother, Mrs. Louise Peacock, acquired a bitch from Mrs Tell Schriever.  This bitch, whelped in 1954, became Ch. Calypso’s Miss Timba (listed in Poodles In America, Vol I) and the foundation bitch for the Davaroc Poodles.

Volume II informs us that, in 1957, Miss Timba produced two Champion bitches sired by Ch. Bel Tor Gigadibs.  These were Ch. Davaroc Careless Love and Ch. Davaroc Star Saphire.  Another bitch from this mating was Davaroc High and Mighty; who when bred to Ch. Ivardon North Star, produced Ch. Davoaroc Apry. (PIA Vol. III)

Miss Timba was bred again to Ch. Jacques Le Noir of Belle Glen but did not survive whelping the litter.  And only one puppy was saved, Davaroc Miss Timba’s Stardust, who when bred to Davaroc King Richard III; a Saphire son, in 1965 produced Ch. Davaroc Vanessa and Davaroc Lucinda.  Lucinda produced Ch. Davaroc Harrison in 1971, when bred to Ch. Bel Tor All the Trimmings (PIA Vol IV).

A study of Dr. Peacock’s pedigrees illustrated his study and application of good lin breeding and an occasional outcross.  When Dr. and Mrs. Peacock were married in 1974, the addition of Mrs. Peacock’s campaigned bitch, Ch. Bel Tor Blissful, was an immensely valuable addition to the Davaroc breeding program.

In 1977, “Blissful” produced Ch. Davaroc A Bit of Bliss and Ch. Davaroc Bronzed Bliss, UDT, sired by Bel Tor Don’t Tread on Me.  Blissful! Was also the dam of Ch. Davaroc Desperado, Ch. Davaroc Dazzler, Ch. Davaroc Devastaton, Ch. Davaroc Disarming, and grand dam of many other Champions.

Dr. Peacock and his wife, Mary, have been owners, breeders, and exhibitors of many Standard Poodles, which have been impressive winners and producers, carrying the Davaroc prefix and passing the quality on to the succeeding generations.

It has been obvious that Sam was willing to serve and to contribute to anything needed to protect and preserve Poodles over the years.  As we all should be, he was concerned about the exaggerations now appearing in our breed.

At the National Specialties, Sam served wherever there was a need, be it carrying water to the trees and plants or in their ring, stewarding.  He exemplified what a Parent Club member should be: patient, giving and reaching out to newcomers to the breed and the sport.

Sam, we salute you; a scholar, a gentleman, and a precious gift to our breed.  We miss you.  Sam is survived by his wonderful wife, Mary.

Originally written by Helen Lee James

Updated by Amanda DeYoung Spriegel

Helene Whitehouse Walker (1900-1986)

Helene W Walker Article 1

One of the original founders of the PCA… read an article about her here:

PCA History – Helene Whitehouse Walker Story

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