Judge: Mr. Dana Plonkey
Best of Variety
Baliwick Bacchus

Best of Opposite Sex
Baliwick The Whole Shebang
Best of Winners
Baliwick Bacchus
Select Dog
Ch Sharbelle Greg-Mar Days of Wine
Select Bitch
GCh Chrysalis Lucky One Apex Too
Award Of Merit
Ch DeBrock’s N Midori’s Billable Assets
GCh Baliwick Honey Boo Boo
Ch Smash JP Beauty & Beat
Winners Dog
Baliwick Bacchus
Reserve Winners Dog
Midori’s Return on Investment
Winners Bitch
Baliwick The Whole Shebang
Reserve Winners Bitch
Candyfloss Greg-Mar Eve of Glory
Best Puppy
Baliwick The Whole Shebang
Best Bred By
Candyfloss Greg-Mar Eve of Glory
Best Veteran Dog
GCh Customs Devine Intervention
Best Veteran Bitch
Best Stud Dog
PomRoth Rockstar
Best Brood Bitch