About the PCA Junior Showmanship Program

Mission Statement:
Foster and reward youth participation, teach ethics in animal care, handling, and training practices, encourage young people to become actively involved in the sport, instill good sportsmanship, generate pride in accomplishments earned.
Anne Rogers Clark Stipend Program & Guidelines

PCA Stipend Information
PCA Junior Stipend Application Forms
For processing, please download (link below) and submit all documents in PDF format ONLY.
CLICK HERE – Consolidated Application Forms for PCA Anne Rogers Clark Junior Showmanship Stipend
You must submit them PRIOR to the deadline to:
Ms. Judy C. Cooksey
Liaison to PCA and AKC Juniors Showmanship Program
Please email all questions to:
Mrs. Gina Wieser
PCA Junior Showmanship Program Coordinator
Deadline Dates for stipend request application (no exceptions):
Westminster Kennel Club – January 1st
AKC National Agility Championship – February 1st
Poodle Club of America National Specialty Show – March 1st
AKC National Championship Dog Show – November 1st
- A $750 stipend is available by the PCA Junior Education Program (monies offered by PCA and contributions) to be applied to travel cost of a deserving Junior that has successfully gained an invitation to and competes in the Junior Showmanship Competition at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
- A $750.00 stipend is available by the PCA Junior Education Program (monies offered by PCA and contributions) to be applied to travel cost for a deserving Junior that has successfully gained an invitation to and competes in the AKC National Agility Championship.
- A $750 stipend is available by the PCA Junior Education Program (monies offered by PCA and contributions) to be applied to travel cost for a deserving Junior that attends the PCA National Specialty and competes in any discipline of the sport that is offered at this show.
- A $750 stipend is available by the PCA Junior Education Program (monies offered by PCA and contributions) to be applied to travel cost for a deserving Junior that is invited and competes in the Junior Showmanship Competition at the AKC National Championship Show.
Basic applicant requirements:
- Applicant must be an eligible Junior (9-18 years of age) competing in any discipline of the sport with a Poodle
A minimum of 16 weeks of documented participation in 3 or more of the following:
- Participate in fundraising (if possible) at a PCA National or Regional
- Participate as a Junior, in any PCA Committee activities when possible i.e. show set-up breakdown, stewarding, Junior Ed booth set-up, assist t-shirt sales, show chair assigned tasks (age appropriate), assist in Hospitality
- Volunteer with your dog in a service related activity/event, i.e. Bark in the Park, Meet the Breeds, visits to rehabilitative care/retirement-nursing home/hospital.
- Earn an AKC CGC title on your dog
- Attend and /or teach training classes in any discipline of competition
- Attend a Poodle breed seminar (may attend at PCA National with approval of the PCA Judge’s Educational Coordinator)
Mandatory applicant Requirements:
- Maintain 2.0 or equivalent Grade Point Average and satisfactory attendance record
- Write a minimum two-page essay about; your past year’s activities with your Poodle, recommendations to benefit yourself and others in the sport, your vision of the future in the sport.
- Should the junior be unable to attend – the PCA Anne Rodgers Clark Stipend funds should must be returned by recipient to the PCA Treasurer, PCA Junior Educations Fund with 30 days of the show(s). Please mail the refund by Priority Mail with delivery of confirmation/tracking.
Additional mandatory requirements for Westminster Kennel Club, AKC National Agility Championship, Poodle Club of America and AKC National Championship Show:
- Monies are only awarded for those qualifying in the calendar year prior to the attendance of the Westminster Kennel Club, and/or AKC National Agility Championship, and/or Poodle Club of America, and/or AKC National Championship Show.
- Junior has fulfilled the requirements to participate in the Junior Showmanship Competition at the Westminster Kennel Club, and/or AKC National Agility Championship, and/or Poodle Club of America, and/or AKC National Championship Show with their Poodle.
- Junior Showmanship entry with the noted requirements is submitted and accepted to Westminster Kennel Club, and/or AKC National Agility Championship, and/or Poodle Club of America, and/or AKC National Championship Show.
- Acknowledgement of show entry will be photocopied and forward to the Liaison to PCA and AKC Program. If Junior is less than 18 years of age, name, address and signature of parent/guardian must be included as the Stipend Funds will be issued in his/her name. Junior will receive the stipend within 15 days after the PCA Board of Directors Approval. This will be PRIOR to the date of the show(s) deadlines.
- Should the junior be unable to attend, the stipend monies must be returned by recipient to the PCA Treasurer, PCA Junior Educations Fund with 30 days of the show(s). Please mail the refund by Priority Mail with delivery of confirmation/tracking.
- Junior may qualify for a Westminster Kennel Club, AKC National Agility Championship, Poodle Cub of America and AKC National Championship Show stipend ($3,000 total) during the same year.
Juniors Educational Resources
Poodle Reference Library
We have established a reference library where Juniors can share, borrow and exchange all things poodles. We invite all the juniors to come and enjoy our library. It will be available throughout the show at the Juniors booth.
Donations are welcome! We are always looking to build on our current library. We are looking for Old/Used books, articles, CD’s, pictures, magazines, grooming charts / diagrams & any relevant materials.
Juniors Program Chair:
Gina Wieser
E-mail: gginawieser@gmail.com
Liaison to PCA and AKC Juniors Program:
Judy Cooksey
E-Mail: adamscooksey@gmail.com