Code of Ethics written as Best Practices as requested by the American Kennel Club
Download the Current Code Of Ethics
As a member of the Poodle Club of America, I
- Acknowledge that I am a representative of PCA and my actions are a reflection of PCA
- Do not flaunt my membership, or use my membership to indicate that I am superior to PCA non-members
- Demonstrate in my actions concern for the best interests of the breed
- Participate in PCA by volunteering to work on committees and activities where possible
- Support both the parent and affiliate clubs
- Encourage eligible individuals to become a member of PCA
- Maintain the best possible standard of care for my dogs
- Bring to the attention of the Board any issues as to unacceptable behavior on the part of another PCA member as stated in the PCA constitution and By Laws

As an exhibitor, I
- Am committed to being a positive mentor to inexperienced individuals interested in the breed
- Display good sportsmanship, win generously and lose graciously
- Offer assistance and encouragement to all participants
- Demonstrate respect for judges, show, trial and test officials and other competitors
- Refrain from loud, outrageous displays which negatively reflect on PCA in the ring, at ringside, in the gallery or on the show/trial/test grounds
As a Breeder, I
- Plan each breeding selectively toward the goal on improvement of the Poodle, not purely for financial gain
- Keep accurate records as per AKC rules and regulations
- Test all breeding stock , as appropriate, for each variety’s genetic and acquired disorders
- Remain abreast of new genetic testing available and readily participates in current genetic studies
- Never intentionally allow a Poodle to be bred to any other breed
- Screen prospective buyers or individuals with whom a dog is placed
- Provide a written contract for all interactions involving the breeding, selling, co-owning, placing and rehoming of my stock
- Sell puppies with individual records to include:
- A Bill of Sale stating the conditions (terms) on which the sale was made
- A Pedigree of at least 3 generations
- Up-to-date health record
- Proof of genetic/acquired condition testing
- A reasonable time frame for a return
- Never release a puppy before 8 weeks
- Sell non-breeding quality puppies with limited registration
- Require all non-breeding quality puppies sold to be neutered/spayed
- Assume responsibility for the well-being of all dogs sold including taking back adults in emergency situations and finding homes for rescues that have been identified from my breeding when possible
As part of my selection as a member of PCA, I acknowledge the responsibilities inherit in that membership and pledge to follow the Code of Ethics of the Poodle Club of America. In addition, if I find I am no longer willing to abide by this document, I agree to submit my resignation form PCA.
Poodle Club of America and Affiliate club members are expected to adhere to the following rules.
1. All Poodle Club of America members and affiliate clubs shall be dedicated to the preservation and welfare of the Poodle Breed.
2. All PCA members and affiliate clubs must ensure that their actions are in the best interest of the breed.
3. Members will at all times, whether at home, traveling, at shows or at motels, display good sportsmanship and conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect credit upon the breed and the club.
4. Novices are encouraged to seek the advice and assistance of more experienced breeders and owners, and those sought out will graciously provide assistance and share the benefits of their knowledge.
5. Each member of PCA who is a breeder will keep accurate records of breeding as per American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations, pedigrees and registrations. They will also maintain the best possible standard of care for their dogs with regard to proper nutrition, housing, cleanliness and veterinary care.
6. Breeding programs should exist for the betterment of the breed. Each member will plan their breeding program to maintain and intensify the virtues of type, quality, temperament, and eliminate faults. All breeding shall be done selectively towards this goal and not purely for financial gain. Breeders may not intentionally allow a poodle to be bred to any other breed of dog.
7. All poodles under consideration for breeding will be tested for hereditary defects common to the breed. Proof of this testing must be made available to puppy buyers. Depending upon the variety of the breed the common tests are as follows:
- Eyes – PRA &Cataracts
- (Yearly Ophthalmologist Exam)
- C.E.R.F.
- Hips – Penn.Hip/ O.F.A. (X-Rays of the hips- Permanent after 2 years)
- X-ray- Stifles and or elbows.
- Von Willebrands ( Bleeding disorder)
- Skin – S.A.- Sebaceous Adenitis
- Thyroid
8. Buyers will be carefully screened for puppies and/or older dogs that are sold or placed.
9. Puppies will be sold with individual records. To be included:
- Bill of Sale. Stating the conditions ( Terms) on which this sale was made.
- Pedigree of the puppy ( at least 3 generation)
- Written instructions about care & feeding.
- All health records up to Date i.e. worming, shots and kennel cough.
- The breeder will state in writing that the purchaser has (a time specified by the breeder) hours to have the puppy checked out by a veterinarian and will be urged to do so.
- If the puppy is unsuitable due to a pre- existing medical condition or genetic fault based upon veterinary findings, it may be returned during the time period stated in the contract for either a replacement or refund of purchase price.
- Proof of genetic testing will be provided to puppy buyers.
- “ Pet Puppies” will be sold with” Limited registration” Unless the puppy is sold as a show prospect, you will require them to spay or neuter the puppy.
10. The Breeder is responsible for any and all poodles that he/she has bred for the life of each poodle. If at any time the owner cannot keep the poodle, the breeder will take the dog back and decide what is best for the poodle in question, including placing or euthanizing the dog. It is the breeder’s place to take this responsibility. This helps take the burden off rescue groups for the breed.
11. A breeder of a rescued Poodle, who is a member of PCA will, upon notification, provide for the Poodle’s care.
12. In all questions of ethics, covered or not covered by this Code, the individual member shall act solely in the best interests of the breed, and the membership as a whole. He/she shall also willingly aid any fellow member in upholding these interests.
13. Members shall bear in mind that a Code of Ethics is more than a set of rules; it is a commitment to a high standard of practice in owning and breeding and that adherence to the spirit of the Code is as important as adherence to its law.
14. Any violations of the code of ethics will be brought to the Board’s attention and dealt with as stated in the constitution and by-laws of the club.