Download Just Groom A Poodle Grooming Competition Info
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Just Groom a Poodle!
7th Annual Grooming Competition & Fundraiser
Monday, April 25, 2022
Gateway Hall, Purina Farms, Purina Event Center
300 Checkerboard Loop, Gray Summit, MO 63039
Enter our grooming competition & help us raise funds for the breed club.
Entry fee is $50.00 and will be donated in its entirety to the Poodle Club
of America, Inc.
ENTRIES CLOSE, Monday, April 18, 2022
Entry payment can be made online at
Entries will be accepted at the door for an additional $10.00 fee.
How Does It Work
There will be one class for all three varieties (Toy, Miniature & Standard)
Divided into two Divisions: Amateur & Professional Professionals
(Professional Handlers & Professional Grooming Competitors)
Amateurs (Owner/Handlers, Assistants, Novice Groomers)
Grooming Competition Hours: 10:00 A.M. – 12:45 P.M.
Awards Presentation at 1:30 P.M.
Groom any poodle variety in any of the following clips:
Continental, HCC, English Saddle, Puppy Clip, Scandinavian,
Secondary Puppy Clip, German Clip or Sporting Trim.
Poodle feet & faces can be clipped prior to the competition.
You will be allotted the following times: Toy ~ 1 hour 45 minutes,
Miniature – 2 hours, Standard – 2 hours 30 minutes
Trims with spray up will be allotted an additional 15 minutes.
An assistant can help hold your dog for spray up
during that 15 minute time slot.
Competitors will be judged by nationally renowned award
winning judges: Kelly Knight NCMG &
Irina (Pina) Pinkusevich NCMG
Our Sponsors Artero USA, Niira Grooming
Show Chair Persons:
Michael Lamb, Irina (Pina) Pinkusevich, Kelly Knight
Prizes will be awarded for the
first, second & third placement in each division